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Consider This...... One Focus Above All

  Justin Bourne seemed to have it all.   The son of former NHL star Bob Bourne, Justin was playing in the minors, one step from the big leagues.   He had a wife and a couple of kids.   Unfortunately, he also had a huge drinking problem!   With his life spiralling out of control, he checked into rehab.   During one of the sessions, the class leader handed everyone a piece of paper and told them to list the most important things in their lives.   Justin did not even have to think about the answer and immediately wrote “Family” at the top of his list.   When the instructor looked at Justin’s list he said, “You are wrong!”    Justin was confused.   How could family be the wrong answer?   The instructor said, “What you should have put at the top of your list was ‘Stay Sober!’   That is the most important thing in your life because if that does not happen, you will lose all the other good things on your list!” It is easy...
Recent posts

New Lesson.... The Cost of Coasting: Why putting your life in neutral is dangerous and what to do about it

 It is easy to not commit to anything. It is easy to just look after yourself. It is easy to say, "That is not my problem!" It is easy to disengage.  It is easy..... but it is not spiritually healthy.  We are built to be part of something bigger. We are built to live differently.  Here are two thoughts that will keep us on track.  

New Lesson: A Clear Message: What to say and why (Colossians 1)

Churches have all sorts of missions statements these days.  Leaders are tasked with coming up with a unique vision for the ministry.  What would happen if we just went back to the original idea?  

New Post: Comebacks are Always Welcome

     Manasseh, King of Judah (700 BC), was terrible!  He came from a good family.  His father, Hezekiah, was a great king who respected God and his people.  His son did not.  After listing all the evil things Manasseh did, the Biblical writer sums up his influence by saying, “Manasseh led Judah and the people of Jerusalem astray, so that they did more evil than the nations [who did not know God] (2 Chronicles 33:9).      God tried to get Manasseh’s attention.  He sent messengers and prophets, and yet, nothing changed.  Eventually, God allowed Manasseh’s enemies to attack.  They captured the king, put a ring in his nose and shackles on his hands and feet and took him back to Babylon as a prisoner.  It is here that the story becomes really interesting.       2 Chronicles 33:12-13 says, “In his [Manasseh’s] distress, he sought the favour of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God o...

New Lesson: Some Maintenance Required (Romans 12)

 When we think about ways to maintain our faith, we usually focus on things like prayer, Bible reading and going to church.  The three instructions that Romans 12 gives us may not be as obvious, but they are just as important (or even more so).  

New Article: Be A 70 Foot Concrete Arrow

  It is 1924 and you are an airmail pilot tasked with flying from New York to San Francisco without radar or radio to guide you on your way.  What do you do?  How do you navigate?  How do you avoid missing the next airport and running out of fuel? The answer: Look for the 70-foot-long yellow concrete arrow on the ground! As unbelievable as it sounds, the United States Postal Service built a series of huge arrows on the ground and spaced them approximately 10 miles apart so the pilots could find their way.  Later, lights were installed at these same sites to facilitate night flying.  Many of these arrows still exist all across the country. I like the idea of a big, bright arrow on the ground that points the way to the next big, bright arrow so that someone can find the path.  In fact, I think that is a good job description for each of us. No one can make anyone do anything.  I cannot make your decisions for you.  I cannot force y...

New Lesson: A Mid-Course Correction (2 Chronicles 33)

 When you find yourself in the wrong place in life, remember these two facts.... From 2 Chronicles 33