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Showing posts from July, 2013

What do you see now?

            The telescope was trained on the moon and there was a line-up of people waiting to take a look.   From the top of a mountain in Montana, the view was spectacular!   The craters on the upper right-hand side of the moon’s surface were especially clear and everyone was amazed at what they saw.             Several nights later, I took the same telescope to the same location and trained it on the same subject.   However, this time what we saw was different.   This time the craters on the lower left-hand side were the ones that were particularly visible.   The ones on the right-hand side that we had marvelled at only a few nights before were now completely washed in sunlight and invisible to us.             The same object, viewed from the same spot, at approximately the same time ...

A Prescription for Blurry Vision

            Have you ever been at a place in life where you look at your circumstances and say, “I don’t get it”?   What do you do when things seem a little out of control and the outcome is unknown?    Mark 8 contains a reminder that may help.             One day, Jesus was going through the little fishing village of Bethsaida when a group of people brought a blind man to him.   This was not unusual.   Almost everywhere Christ went people came for healing.   What makes this incident notable is the way in which Jesus heals this man.             Jesus took the man, spit on his eyes, put his hands on him and then asked, “Do you see anything?” (Verse 23).             The man responded, “I see people; they look like trees walkin...