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Showing posts from July, 2017

Missing God

                   “You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God” (Matthew 22:29).                 These words are somewhat surprising because Jesus said them to the religious leaders of his day.   This should be a warning to all of us.   It is easy to be mislead and not understand what God is doing around us.   Fortunately, Jesus’ diagnosis of the problem also leads us to at least a couple of the solutions.                 First, he points out that they did not know the scriptures.   This is not abnormal.   In fact, when we become involved with a religious system, or when we find ourselves surrounde...

Invest in Joy

                Life can be difficult.   Sometimes it seems that you just about get all the puzzle pieces in place and then something comes along and shakes everything up again.   There is always another problem or something more to worry about or sort out.   For those who feel this way, the Bible offers a one-word prescription:   Rejoice!                 Let me be perfectly clear: “Rejoice” does not mean “Be fake” or “deny reality”.   Pretending that nothing is wrong will not help anything.   Rejoice, though, is a reminder to focus on your blessings and not just your problems.                 Writing from prison, where he was un...