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Showing posts from March, 2019

Dealing with Discouragement

                If you want to be successful in any part of your life, it is essential that you defend against discouragement.   Over the last thirty years, discouragement has been my biggest enemy.   Here are two of the best lessons that I have learned to help get me through.                 First, we must realize that our influence only goes so far.   We like to think that if we do the right things we will get our desired result, but that is not always true.   Consider Jotham, King of Judah.   2 Chronicles 27 says that he, “Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (verse 2a).   That same verse goes on to note that, “The people, however, continued in their corrupt practices!” (verse 2b).  ...

Something Amazing Can Happen

                  Over the years, I have heard lots of lessons on things like baptism, elders and church organization.   If you are just starting in faith, those are great topics.   However, mature Christians ought to “move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ” (Hebrews 6:1).     Milk is for babies, but solid food is for the mature! (Hebrews 5:13-14)   In that light, here is something solid for you to chew on.                 Is there anything amazing happening in your church?   Is it really any different from any other group to which you belong?    Ephesians 3:10 states that the “manifold wisdom of God” is to be on display in the church!   People should be able to ...

Finding a Different Viewpoint

                Walking up the path in the rain, we were not convinced that it was worth the hike.   Sara, the girls and I had spent a week in Oregon and we had seen a lot of waterfalls, so the thought of one more was not all that exciting, but we grit our teeth and kept going.                 Grit your teeth and keep going.   That must have been how the churches in the book of Revelation felt.   Seven churches, each facing different struggles, were told to hang on and keep trudging.   More specifically, Jesus tells each of them that they will win the prize if they overcome their circumstances, their own selfish desires and even Satan himself (Revelation 2:7; 11; 17; 26; 3:5; 12; 21).   This is good advice. ...

Does Your Jesus Have a Bucket?

                  John 4 contains a picture that every Christian must see and understand if they want to relate to Christ properly.                 The scene opens with Jesus talking to a woman as he sits beside a well near a Samaritan village.   During their visit, Jesus mentions that he could give her something called “living water”.   More than a little confused, she responds, “Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep.   Where can you get this living water?   Are you greater than our father Jacob…?” (verses 11-12).   Do you hear what she is saying?   She is saying, “You do not even have a bucket!   You cannot do anything!”       ...