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Showing posts from December, 2024

Gifts of God: 7 blessings that will help you be strong in 2025 (Ephesians 6)

 It is not that we do not know about these gifts. It is not even that we do not understand what they do. The issue is simply that we forget. We get busy and focused on other things. If we are going to be spiritually strong, we are going to need these tools.  

New Article: Hurry Up and Slow Down

                 Luke 5:15-16 holds one of the most surprising facts about Jesus.   It says, “The news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”.                To me, that is shocking.   Had I not read the Bible, this is not how I would have pictured Jesus.   I would have expected that, if the creator of the universe took on human form, he would act in super-human ways.   Maybe he would fly from one location to another.   Or maybe he would be able to become invisible.   Or maybe he would not ever need to eat, sleep or rest.   However, none of that is true.                Scripture states that while Jesus was fully...

New Article: The Necessity of Being Real

                 When little kids come to your door on Halloween night, you know they are pretending to be something they are not.   You do not expect that the ten-year-old dressed as a mechanic will change the oil in your car.   You can be fairly certain that the pirate on your porch will not force his way in and plunder all your jewellery.   There are times when pretending is not only fine but expected.                On the other hand, sometimes it matters that you do more than just look the part.   If you are going for surgery, the minimum expectation is that your doctor attended medical school.   If you are getting on an airplane, it is nice to know that the pilot has flown a plane before.   I...

Signs of Growth: What a healthy church looks like (Ephesians 4)

 If you measure the wrong things, you will get a wrong result.   That is a simple principle, but one that is often ignored when it comes to spiritual qualities. We often look at the wrong things when measuring our faith. We value things like titles, flashy services and spotlights. God, however, is looking for something different. Something much deeper. This lesson is 24 minutes long. Communion immediately following.    

New Article: Are You Living in Fear or Faith?

                 Fear is a great motivator when you find yourself in a life-threatening situation.   Fear can cause you to run faster, fight harder, and act more quickly than normal.   For a brief time, fear-based reactions can be very useful.   Over the long run, though, a fearful approach to life tends to lead to problem avoidance and poor decision-making.   1 Samuel 17 is a perfect example of this truth.                Twice a day, for forty days, a giant named Goliath challenged God’s people.   When the army looked at him, all they saw was his nine-foot-tall frame and the immense strength that he possessed.   We are told that “[King] Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrif...

Immeasurably More - Ephesians 3 (Re-imagining Prayer - part 3)

 Life is not always easy and answers do not always come quickly. Some of God's most faithful people had to wait years and years before they saw their situations resolved. However, waiting on the Lord always produced something better than they could have imagined. You are not alone and you always have help..... that is the message God has been teaching from the start.