Like most people, I do not like to wait for things. I like being able to go to the ATM and get money even if the bank is not open. I like being able to throw leftovers in the microwave and eat five minutes later. A stoplight (or a train) that lasts longer than a minute or two seems too long. I do not think that I am a “Type A crazy person”, but I certainly like things to be quick and convenient. Maybe that is why the following passages are a little disconcerting. “The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord; they forgot their God… so he sold them into the hands of [their enemies] to whom they were subject for eight years” (Judges 3:7-8). Now, if that were the only time the Bible said something like that, then maybe I could just skip over it. However, four verses later we read, “Once again the Israelites did evil ...