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No Lone Rangers

             Sometimes we get the wrong idea and those ideas get passed on as “truth”.  It is not that we mean to do this.  It just happens because we are unaware that we are passing on misinformation.

            For example, all of my life I have been taught about the New Testament hero, Paul, who single-handedly converted the entire known Gentile world.  The strange thing about that story: It is not true!

            Even a cursory reading of the New Testament shows that Paul was not a “Lone Ranger”.  He always worked “in” and “with” a team!   For example, at the end of the letter to the Colossians, Paul greets and comments on no less than ten friends and co-workers.  Some of these names, such as “Luke” and “Mark”, are familiar to us while other names like are less well known, but no less important. 

            For example, Tychicus was Paul’s co-worker in many places and he is mentioned four times in the New Testament. Aristarchus was with Paul on many of his missionary journeys and he was with Paul in Rome during his imprisonment (Acts 27:2).  Epaphras was the local preacher in the town of Colosse (Colossians 1:7).    Others, like Nympha and Archippus held church meetings in their homes.

            The North American “hero image” of the cowboy who always “rides alone”, is not an image that transfers to the church.   The church is built on relationships (with God and with one another).  The ten names that Paul lists at the end of the book of Colossians are not just names of people he happens to know.  They are some of his closest friends.  Those are the people he loves.  Those are his brothers and sisters!

            When we forget to work “in” and “as” a team, things can go wrong very quickly.  Without a team mentality, it is easy to become discouraged.  Without partners, we can be blind to certain situations that are obvious to others.  Without a team, we sacrifice a major source of strength.  Even Wayne Gretzky in his prime would have been useless on the ice by himself.

            So why do we convince ourselves that everything is up to us?  Why do we work at our lives and faith alone?  What makes us think that we can do what others could not?  Even Jesus, the Son of God, had twelve co-workers (the apostles) and three really close friends (Peter, James and John). 

            While I will be the first to make the point that your faith is your own responsibility, the church can be your support system.  The church can be a place to share both struggles and successes.  The church can be a place of belonging. The church can be your team.

            You are not designed to “go it alone”.


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