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Showing posts from December, 2014

Why We Worship

            “Google maps” has a “satellite” feature that allows people to see the earth from the air.   Take a guess as to what most people do with that feature.   If you said, “They use it to look at their own town” you would be close.   More specifically, most people use it to look at their own house (At church when I asked “Who has done this?” 80% of the people raised their hands.   Those who didn’t don’t use the internet!).             Why would you look at your own house?    You know what your house looks like!   In fact, you are probably sitting in your house while looking at a satellite picture of it!   Why do we do things like this?               We do it because we are the centre of our own worlds.   In other words, I am the most important person to me! ...

The Heart of the Matter

            I hate seeing marriages end.   It is always sad when two people, who at one time loved each other, go their separate ways.             It is just as sad, though, when people stay together physically, but leave emotionally.   Unfortunately, I know too many people for whom marriage has become nothing more than business proposition.   They live together and share the expenses, but their relationship is joyless, uninteresting and boring.   Their hearts are no longer invested and they have stopped growing as a couple.   It is sad when something that was exciting gets boiled down to something mundane, ordinary and is taken for granted.             As sad as that situation is in a marriage, it is absolutely deadly in spiritual things!   We are missing something vital when serving G...