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Keep Shining

            My office has south facing windows that allow light to shine in on a big bookshelf that is behind my desk.  Some of my books have been sitting on that shelf since June 4, 1990, the day that I moved to Estevan. 
            Last week I grabbed an old college textbook off that shelf and noticed that while the front cover of the book was still the same bright and brilliant red that it was when it was first published, the spine was almost white.  In fact, the colour had faded so much that the title was barely visible.  Now this change did not come quickly. Had I taken that book off the shelf after a week, you would not have been able to see any difference at all.  After a year or two, you may have started to notice some fading.  However, after twenty-five years of the sun shining on it almost every day, the change is obvious.  Exposure over a long period of time has an effect.
            I believe that is one of the reasons that Timothy was told to stay with the church in Ephesus and why Titus was told to stay on the island of Crete.  Certainly, they were there to teach the word, but their actual presence was going to have as much effect as anything else.  Timothy is told to, “Watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Timothy 4:16) for this very reason.  If people are exposed to both his teaching and his way of life, then he has a chance to influence them.  In fact that passage ends with this promise, “Persevere in them, (Keep exposing them to a different way of thinking and living) because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers”.
            As Christian people, we make a huge mistake when we cut ourselves off from our communities.  As Jesus told one man, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5:19).  People will want to know about your faith only when they see the positive difference that it has made in your life.
            It is not the quickest way to bring about change, but it is effective.
            “Let your light shine!” (Matthew 5:16).


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