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Showing posts from December, 2015

The Greatest Gift

                John the Baptist had one job and that was to “prepare the way for the Lord” (Luke 1:76).   He did that by highlighting three blessings that Jesus would bring.                   First, he talked about a restored relationship with God.   Reunions can be wonderful.   In fact, many of you are looking forward to the Christmas season because of the reunions that will take place.   John said that Jesus would come, “To give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God” (verses 77 and 78).   Sin separates us from God, but through his Son, God gives us a way home.             ...

Your Failures do not have to be Fatal

                I have wasted the last month looking for tires for my daughter’s truck.   I have been to every tire store in town.   I have searched the internet for deals.   I even bought a tire-changer so that I could install used tires if I found some good ones.                   After seeing all of this, some of my friends have accused me of being “cheap”.   However, that is not the issue.   In fact, I eventually ordered new tires from one of the shops in town and I was happy about it.   I was not cheap.   I was scared of making a bad decision.                   I hate being wrong and that is a problem!                 We all want others...