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Learning to Avoid Anxiety

                 One of the most exciting times in my life was when I started taking Driver’s Education classes.  I loved being in the driver’s seat!

                One of the most uncomfortable times in my life was when my girls started taking Driver’s Education classes.  It was not that they were bad drivers, I just did not like being in the passenger’s seat.

                That is true in most areas of my life.  I like to be in control.  I like to know what is happening and what is coming next. 

                However, scripture reminds me that I am not supposed to be the one in charge.  Lived properly, my life should be seen from the passenger’s seat.  God is in control of all things, including my circumstances, and I need to learn to trust and allow him to lead; but that is difficult! 

                Many times, I want to reach over and grab the steering wheel.  I want to avoid what, to me, looks like certain disaster ahead.  For some reason, I believe that I can see the potholes and the dangers better than God can.  I want to go where I want to go, not where he is taking me. 

                Yet, me being in control often leads to trouble because I do not know what I think I know.  I do not go where God wants to take me.  Therefore, I miss out on experiences, blessings, and chances to grow. 

                On his last night with his followers, Jesus gently reminded them that he was the source of life and goodness, not them: “I am the vine; you are the branches… apart from me, you can do nothing!” (John 15:5).

                When I act as if I am in charge of everything, I become worried and anxious.  When I learn to listen to Jesus’ instructions and abide in him, the result is better.  As Jesus said, “I have told you this [to abide and trust] so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

                Trusting God is not all that is needed to avoid being anxious, but it is a great starting place.

                Let God be in control.  He is a much better driver than you are!


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