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Showing posts from November, 2021

The Risk and Reward of Being Real

                  When I heard that pop star, Adele, was broadcasting a concert, I recorded it because I thought my girls might like it.   What I did not expect was that this event would impact me in such a profound way.                 While Adele has a powerful voice, it was not her singing that struck me.   Rather, it was the interview she gave between the songs.                   Instead of bragging about her success, Adele said things like, “I realized that I had everything, but I was not happy!”   She went on to talk about feeling insecure, lonely, sad, and isolated.   Her career could not have been better, but her life...

The Risk and Rewards of Being Real

 Being fake is hard. Being real is scary. Real is better. Here is why.....  

One Good Thing (# 159): Thanksgiving Day! (Psalm 103:2)

 Thanksgiving Day should not only be in October (Canada) or November (US), it should be every day!  

You can do THIS!

God provides for and sustains his church. Everything happens is because of his action, his word, his Spirit and his Son. However, we are allowed to be involved in the process. In fact, there is one part that only we can do. We can do THIS!  

One Good Thing (# 158): Strength from Struggle

 Difficult times may indicate that you are on the wrong path. On the other hand, maybe you are just growing!  

Finding the Way Home

                As Mark Gubin sat on the roof of his art studio watching low-flying airplanes pass over and land at Milwaukee’s Mitchell international airport, he thought about painting a sign to welcome travellers to Milwaukee.   Then he had an even better idea.                 He grabbed a paint roller and in six-foot-tall white letters he wrote, “Welcome to Cleveland!”                 The sign on the roof did not bother the pilots.   They had radar, GPS, and ground communication that assured them that they were landing in Milwaukee as planned.   However, for more than forty years, Gubin’s misleading sign has caused a great deal of tr...

Thoughts of Home: How the future changes the present

 When you lose your directions, you end up in the wrong place. I think we have lost one of our most important spiritual directions and we have suffered the consequences of that for a long time. We have missed a pattern that we must see and recover. That process starts here.  

One Good Thing (#157): Gentleness (Philippians 4:5)

 In a world that is screaming about the right to make choices, why not choose this? It will change your day and the days of those around you.

Knowing God Better (Psalm 18)

 Most people know a little bit about God. For example, they could tell you about his love or his grace. That is good! However, until we really get to know him, our relationship will be missing something. In Psalm 18, David gives us two details about God that are both surprising and helpful!  

One Good Thing (#156): The Power of Proximity (Philippians 4:8)

 While we cannot eliminate every issue that causes us concern, we can learn how to keep ourselves from creating even more problems.  

Deep Down

                Every year, approximately 4 million people visit Old Faithful, a geyser in Yellowstone National Park.   The geyser gets its name from its consistency.   Park rangers can estimate the timing of the next eruption within ten minutes one way or the other.                   While many people appreciate the show of seeing 32 000 liters of water spraying 60 meters in the air, the most important part of Old Faithful is the unseen part.   The unique configuration of the underground tunnels combined with the right amount of heat and water is what causes the outward display to be so beautiful and consistent.                 ...