“Let your gentleness be evident to all” (Philippians 4:5).
Sara has set up personalized ringtones on her phone. Without even checking, we know immediately who is calling because the sound of the ring identifies them.
The verse quoted above suggests that an attitude of gentleness should play a similar role in the life of a Christian. Gentleness is the quality that should identify us. We ought to be known as gentle people. Every interaction with every person ought to be bathed in this attitude.
The good news is that this is something that we can do. Everyone acts and reacts in a gentle way once in a while. The challenge is to make that the starting point every time, in all situations with everyone we meet.
In a world where quick tempers and harsh criticisms seem to be on the rise, a gentle approach is more effective than ever. Gentleness changes the tone of conversations and the outcome of relationships. After all, grace and gentleness are hallmarks of God’s approach to us.
Can we make gentleness our ringtone? Can that be the quality that defines us?
This one little thought could have an enormous impact on the coming year.