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Showing posts from October, 2023

Abundant Life (Philippians 2)

 Finding - and living in - the blessings of God. The good news, you have what you need.  

New Article: Getting Past the Small Talk

                   I heard an interview with comedian Jeff Foxworthy in which he said (and I am paraphrasing here), “I wish I had been a singer.   My singer friends can write three good songs and then get paid to sing them for the next 40 years.   People love hearing their old songs.   That is not true with comedians.   I can write the best joke ever and it has a lifespan of three months.   After that, no one laughs, and they never want to hear that joke again”.                Why is that true?                In part, it has to do with the fact that comedy relies on surprise.   We laugh because ...

Creating Connections (The Book Acts)

 Saying, "Things should be different!" does not help! We must deal with the situation we are in. Here is one way the church must adjust.  

Jesus’ Minimum Requirement (Matthew 8)

 Sometimes we put up barriers that do not need to be there. Jesus was consistently amazed when he saw one quality in people. We ought to start where he did.  

Words of Thanksgiving

 Reflections on the things we think and the words we say.  

New Article: The Necessity of Putting Others First

                 If you were looking for an otherworldly spot to test what it might be like to live on another planet, the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii would be a good choice.   At least that is what NASA decided when they built a 1200-square-foot geodesic dome there and gave it the name HI-SEAS (“Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation”).                Scientists in the dome were cut off from the outside world.   Food and other supplies were delivered at predetermined intervals.    If the crew wanted to go outside, they had to wear pretend spacesuits and they were only allowed to venture a certain distance from the dome.   NASA even established a communications delay of se...

Necessary - Not Optional (Ephesians 6)

 We don't do good things to make God happy. We do them because we need them. PS. Norma gave me my money back, just so you know (Watch the video.... it will make sense) :)