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The Power of Words

           Last Friday night, Sara and I were lucky enough (thanks to a Christmas present from some friends) to attend Brent Butt’s show at the Comp.  It was a great night!  One of the things that really impressed me was that more than eight hundred people gathered to hear a man talk.  I mean, all that Brent had to offer was words.  There was no slick stage show, no band, no backdrop, not even a Powerpoint presentation.  All that he had on stage was a table, a stool, a microphone and his thoughts and with that he and his opening act, Jamie Hutchinson, held everyone’s attention for almost three hours.  That is amazing.

            Have you ever heard of a guy named “Stuart McLean”?  He was in Estevan a few years ago as well.  He has a CBC radio show called, “The Vinyl Café” where he tells stories about a fictional couple named “Dave” and “Morley”.   Every year, at Christmastime, he takes his show on the road and Sara and I have seen him a couple of times at the “Centre of the Arts”.   Guess what he does in those shows.   He comes out.  He stands on an empty stage, tells stories and holds a sold-out crowd of 2000 people captivated for three hours.  Words are powerful.

           Sometimes words can be so powerful that even a short phrase can have a huge impact.  Commenting on the national pride that came out during the Vancouver Olympics, Globe and Mail reporter Stephen Brunt said three words that I will never forget:  “Cynicism is easy”.   Of course, everyone knows Dr. Marin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech and what it did.  You can probably think of some words (both positive and negative) that have had a lasting effect on your life. Words are powerful.
         So, how much more powerful would those words be if they came from the God who created you?  How much more important would the words be if they were “inspired”?   How much effect could those words have if they were “supernatural” in some way?

           There are some who say that preaching is on the way out and that no one is interested in listening anymore.  While I agree that some preaching (the boring, long-winded, irrelevant stuff) should die, I believe that there is still a need to hear the word of God.  I believe that something powerful happens when not only words, but “The Word” is taught and shared together.
          Maybe it is time to hear the word again. 
         “The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). 


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