You cannot make yourself go sleep. You can close the curtains, put on your pajamas, fluff your pillow, get in bed and shut the lights off, but that is all you can do. As soon as you start to think, “I need to go to sleep right now!” you are in big trouble, because the more you think about going to sleep, the less likely it is to happen. Focusing on sleep is completely counter-productive. The most you can do is to put yourself in a position to sleep. After that, sleep comes at its own time, not at your bidding. I believe that holiness comes in a similar way. No one cannot manufacture a holy life on his or her own. In fact, focusing on being good is more likely to produce pride rather than holiness. All anyone can really do is put themselves in a position to be made holy. I think that is the point that Jesus is making in John 15 when he says to his disciples, “I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me a...