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It is Never too Late

In twelve years, she had seen every doctor that she could think of and, though she had “spent all that she had” (Mark 5:26), she still had no relief.

Her condition was not just inconvenient, it was incapacitating. Under the Jewish law, a woman who was “subject to bleeding” was considered “unclean”, or an outcast. She could not go to worship. She could not go to social events. Essentially, she was cut off from everyone.

That is why she snuck in to see Jesus. She thought, "If I can just get close to him, touch him, maybe I will be healed” and she was right. One touch and twelve years of misery and loneliness were gone. Her health and her life were restored to her in an instant.

At the same time, Jesus was on his way to help someone else. A man named Jairus had a twelve year old daughter who was very sick. He hoped that Jesus could help his little girl and so he came and made the request.

Not long after arriving, word comes that Jesus’ help is no longer needed. “Your daughter is dead… Don’t bother the teacher anymore” (Luke 8:49).

When Jesus hears this, he turns to Jairus and says, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed” (verse 50) and she was. Jesus went to Jairus’ house and, after everyone had given up hope, he raised that little girl from the dead (You can read all the details in Luke 8:40-56).

It is important to note that, in each circumstance, Jesus talks to them about “Faith”. He tells the woman, “Daughter, your faith has healed you”. I can see him putting his hands on Jairus’ shoulders and saying, “Don’t be afraid; just believe!”

Both Jairus and the woman receive “happy endings” because they had faith enough to believe that Jesus could do something in their circumstances.

Do we have a faith like that? Do we know and believe that God can do “immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine”? (Ephesians 3:20)

I do not know what will happen and I cannot guarantee “happy endings” (at least not the ending we want), but I do know this: It is never too late to bring your life and your problems to God.

When God, his son and his Spirit are involved, anything can happen.

Just ask Jairus.


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